Thursday, October 14, 2010

BMX - Whist Drive Rules

Whist is a game of strategy and can be rather amusing. Whist is a plain trick game, where 4 players, paired off in partners, try to win as many tricks as they can.
Basic Rules:
It is a 4 player game, where there are two fixed partners. Your partner should sit facing you and the game is played clockwise. A standard deck of playing cards, 52, are used in this game. The cards are ranked from highest to lowest A K Q J 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
The shuffle is done by the player to the dealer's left and cut by the person on the right of the dealer. The dealer deals all the cards out, one at a time, until all the players have 13 cards.
How to Play:
The person to the dealer's left plays the first trick. Any card may be played at this time. The rest of the players, in a clockwise direction, plays a card to the trick. Now the players must play the same suit as the card that was led in the trick, if they can. If the player can not play the same suit, you may use/discard any other card. The highest Card in the Suit that was led/played by the opener/starter of the Hand, wins the Trick.
No Trump Game:
In a No-Trump game, the players will follow the same pattern as the process detailed above; in determining the winner of each Trick.
Trump Suit Game:
For a Trump Suit game, the Whist Conductor will declare the Trump Suit, before the that Game commences. In the event that a player does not have in his possession a card from the leading suit, a trump suit card can be played. The Trump Card overrides the other (3) suit cards of any denomination( A…2). This process is followed till all the 4 players complete the Hand. In this case the highest trump would win the Hand. But if no trump card is played (the card determined for that hand of whist by the dealer's last card) then the high card of the suit wins the trick.
The winner of a trick leads to the next.
When all 13 tricks have been played, the side which that wins the most # of Tricks in the Game will be recorded on the Score card of each Partner/Player. The Score card has to be initialed by the Opposing Players. In the event that a Players on any table, win more than 10 Tricks, the Score card has to be Approved and signed by a BMX Whist Judges.
Arbitration of any disputes or errors will be handled by BMX Whist Drive Committee, and shall remain binding and final, immaterial of the outcome.

Disclaimer: Any Rule or Text changes to the above can be solely performed by the BMX Whist Committee. In the event that there are not equal # of Ladies and Gents, we will compensate for the ratio by substitution.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Newsletter August 2010

Once again another year has come around and the BMX 2010 picnic is over. This was a culmination of many com-mittee hours spent in meetings, organizing and planning to give our alumni the very best for the 2010 picnic.
Our rewards were seen in the many participants who at-tended with finesse, joy and enthusiasm. To the many at-tendees who brought along their own plates and cutlery in support of our green theme we say a big “Thank you“. Our aim is to make this picnic 100% green and your interest and compliance in making this world a better place for our chil-dren is gratifying.
Not withstanding the rain, BMX’ers and guests partici-pated in the sports events, danced to the music of Ralph and his crew, and huddled together to play bingo. Kids and seniors alike giggled and laughed as they enjoyed games geared to their age groups.
Many thanks to our sponsors who were also key in bring-ing this event to you.
Winners.- one and all
2010 BMX Picnic
In this 2 page newslet-ter…
-Picnic report -Green tips -Toronto scholarship
- Goa scholarship
- Next Event– Whist Drive
Recycle, Reuse, and Reduce
BYOB ( Bring your own bag!): Re-usable grocery bags greatly reduce the amount of plastic bags go-ing into landfills, and are easily available in most stores. Use them for all your shopping needs!
Toronto Scholarship
BMX Toronto is interested in setting up a local scholarship for children of BMX alumni. A pro-posal has been made to direct this bursary towards a specific goal of encouraging the appli-cant to develop a community project towards which the funding will be directed.
We will be circulating details shortly
Goa Scholarship
Recipients of this award have been named. Congratulations to all.
Sunday November 21, 2010
Vic Johnston Community Centre 335 Church Street, Streetsville, On
Please keep November 21, 2010 free for a fun BMX Event. The day will include Mass, a meal and snacks, whist and dancing.
Why do teachers use a bamboo cane ? Because when the cane goes 'bam' the child goes boo!